DIODE is a
active element which is a combination of two semiconductor material (n-type
& p-type). When a bar of n-type material is jointed with a bar of p-type
material then there is a flow of electrons and holes across the junction is
take place till than a barrier is formed across the junction. This junction
contains only donor ions and acceptor ions. It is known as p-n junction diode.
In actual, a diode is a
two-terminal electronic component with asymmetric conductance, it has low
(ideally zero) resistance to current flow in one direction, and high (ideally
infinite) resistance in the other.
diode circuit symbol
Figure1: diode circuit symbol
Two type of biasing:
1. 1. Forward
bias (p is +ve and n is -ve)
2. 2. Reverse
bias (p is –ve and n is + ve)
It is the current voltage characteristics of diode. Ideally,
a diode is a device that allows current to flow in one direction only. In
practice, diodes allow large
of forward current to flow when the positive voltage across them reaches a
small threshold. They also
have a small “saturation” current and a “breakdown” region in which a large
amount of current will flow in the opposite
direction when a large negative voltage is applied.
Diode is
used to design rectifiers,clippers,clampers and various electronic circuits.
Diode characteristic simulation through orcad :-
Orcad is a software which is used for designing simulation of circuits.
To achieve our goal we design a circuit including diode, dc source and
resistor. Then we will notice the voltage across the resistor. That will be the
output of diode. By changing the polarity of source we can get the i-v
characteristics of diode in both biasing (forward and reverse) .
Figure 2:
circuit design in orcad capture
Run a
simulation and create the i-v characteristic curve
o Set
up a DC sweep from -15 to +15 volts in increments of 0.1 volt. (When you set up
the DC
analysis, be sure that you name your source “V1.”) You do not need to add
any probes.
o Run
the simulation.
You will get the waveform as shown in fig:-
3: forward characteristic of diode
Figure 4:
Reverse characteristic of diode
Above characteristics represent the behavior of a diode in
forward and reverse bias condition. It is the dc analysis of diode.
Forward Bias Condition:-
In forward bias condition as well as voltage across the diode
increases the current also increase much lower rate as compared to voltage and
after the knee voltage the current across the diode increase very rapidly.
There is a potential barrier across the junction (.3V for Ge and .7V for Si). So this potential barrier
reduces the overall voltage across diode. And when the voltage across diode is
greater than the potential barrier then current comes into existence.
Reverse bias condition:-
In reverse bias condition ideally a diode is act as open
circuit. But it is quite different from practical condition. Practically when
reverse bias voltage across diode increase the current is due to only the
minority carriers means in microampere . but after a value the current increase
at very rapidly. In this state the diode will be destroyed. This region is
called breakdown region.
Simply we say that diode is device which pass
only the positive part of a waveform means it work as a rectifier. So we can
use diode as half wave as well as
full wave rectifier.
includes a diode, resistor AC source and ground connection. In HWR when a sine or square wave is applied
to the diode then positive part of wave pass as it is and negative part will be
zero. Its power and current ratings are typically much
higher than those of diodes employed in other applications, such as computers
and communication systems.
Figure 5:
Half Wave Rectifier in Orcad
figure shows the circuit of half wave rectifier which is designed in cadence tool.
A diode D1N4148 is used for this specific purpose. And a sine wave source is
applied at the p- side of the diode. We can edit the value of the load resistance which is used to limit the output voltage. Two voltage probes are
used to specify the input and output voltage.
Following waveform shows the behavior of diode under 5V ac
Figure 6:
waveform of HWR
Full wave rectifier: -The dc level obtained from a sinusoidal input can be
improved 100% using a process called full-wave rectification. The most
familiar network for performing such a function appears in Fig with its four
diodes in a bridge configuration. During the period t _ 0 to T/2 the polarity of the input is as
shown in Fig . The resulting polarities across the ideal diodes are also shown
in Fig to reveal that D2 and D3 are conducting while D1
and D4
are in the “off” state. The net
result is the configuration of Fig. 2.54, with its indicated current and
polarity across R. Since the diodes are ideal the load voltage is vo
_ vi, as shown in the
same figure.
7: Bridge Rectifier
Figure 8:
Full Wave Rectifer
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